Şifremi Unuttum



Wednesday, December 16, 2015
Introductions:  Linda Connor / SSAT / tour of facility.
10.00-11.00 In-house weekly teaching (rolling programme of different topics, aimed at all healthcare professionals, held every Wednesday).
11.00-1pm Virtual Clinic.  Multidisciplinary meeting to review patients who are failing on treatment and need to switch.
2.00-5pm Observing HIV Outpatient Clinics – exact clinics to be identified nearer the time of the event.
Thursday, December 17, 2015 
9.15-12.30 Inpatient Ward Round.  Multidisciplinary team meeting followed by Xray meeting and inpatient bed round
1.30-5pm Observing HIV Outpatient Clinics
Friday, December 18, 2015
9.00-11.30 Visit of 56 Dean Street and Dean Street Express for overview of how this award winning clinic provides services tailored to the local community of Soho
11.30-1.30 Special interest One to One Meetings
1.30- 2.30 Q&A
2.30-3.00 Evaluation and feedback