Bilim adamları, AIDS’te kalıcı tedaviye bir adım daha yaklaştı. ABD’nin Temple Üniversitesi’nin genetik uzmanları, HIV virüsünü DNA’dan ayırmanın bir yolunu bulduklarını açıkladı. Uzmanlar, bağışıklık sisteminin kodlarını barındıran ve AIDS taşıyıcısı T hücrelerindeki HIV virüsünü ayrıştırarak yok etmeyi başardı. Bu yöntem sayesinde tamir edilen DNA’larda hastalığın yeniden görülmesine de imkân olmadığı belirtildi.
HIV cure now a step closer after scientists make gene editing breakthrough
The technique enabled the researchers to ‘snip’ out the HIV virus from human cells
A young boy lights a candle at an AIDS memorial service in Belgrade, Serbia ANDREJ ISAKOVIC/AFP/Getty Images
American scientists have made huge strides towards finding a cure for HIV using pioneering ‘gene editing’ techniques.
After years of research, the team from Temple University in Pennsylvania used their technique to eliminate the virus fromhuman cells by ‘snipping’ it out.
The successful experiments took place in the lab, but the team is confident the treatment could be trialled on humans within three years.
This time around, they used the same technology to remove it from infected T-cells, which play a major role in the immune system, in a more accurate simulation of how the virus would be treated inside patients’ bodies.
During their studies, the team drew blood from people living with HIV. Their T-cells were cultured in the lab, and then treated with the Crispr/Cas9 gene editing system, in which a targeted protein uses enzymes to remove genetic sequences (in this case, HIV DNA) from cells.