Şifremi Unuttum

Aşı Karşıtı Ebeveynlere Tolerans Gösteren Okulda Suçiçeği Salgını

Avustralya, Melbourne’de Brunswick North West İlkokulunda aşı karşıtı anne-babaların çocuklarına aşı yaptırmamasına olanak tanıyan okulda suçiçeği salgını baş gösterdi. Okuldaki öğrencilerin dörtte biri son iki hafta içinde hastalıktan etkilendi. Sağlık Bakanlığından yapılan açıklamada 26 Kasımdan bu yana okulda her gün yüzde 25 oranında devamsızlık görüldüğü bildirildi. Daha önce, okulun bulunduğu bölgedeki ve ülkedeki yüzde 92’lik aşılama oranına karşı, Brunswick North West İlkokulundaki öğrencilerin yalnızca yüzde 73.2’sinin aşılandığı açıklanmıştı.

Anti-vaccination school hit by chickenpox epidemic

11:03AM GMT 10 Dec 2015


At least 25 per cent of pupils have been hit by the illness in the past fortnight

Vaccination , left, and chickenpox pustules, right

At least 25% of the pupils at the school have come down with chickenpox in the past two weeks Photo: Alamy

A epidemic of chickenpox has swept through a school that endorses ‘tolerance’ for parents who prefer not to have their children immunised.

At least a quarter of all pupils as Brunswick North West Primary in Melbourne, Australia, have been hit by the disease in the past two weeks.

A spokesman for the Department of Health said: “There are no firm figures on the number of students who have contracted the illness since [November 26], but we’ve been advised that over the period there has been an absentee rate of about 25 per cent on any given day.”

In the past the school has asked parents to be tolerant of those with differing opinions on immunisation.

Brunswick North West Primary School
Photo: Google Maps

In May, school principal Trevor Bowen sent out a newsletter stating that just 73.2 per cent of pupils were immunised, compared with 92 per cent in the immediate area, 90.4 per cent in the state and 92.2 per cent nationally.

“In many aspects of our school life, we accommodate a range of opinions and beliefs from the parent community,” the newsletter said, “and we champion the rights of parents and carers to be involved and leading contributors in their child’s life at school.”

“There is a variety of beliefs concerning immunising children. Some people believe it is their right to choose not to vaccinate their child, and that the vaccination program is detrimental to the health of their child. Others believe that immunisation is one of the best ways to protect their children and safeguard the health of others and future generations. ”

“Due to immunisation levels at our school, caution should be exercised to limit exposure for the following individuals: recently born babies and infants, the elderly, anyone with an illness or condition which results in the diminution of the body’s immune system, (and) children who are part or unimmunised.”



It is still possible for a child who has been vaccinated to contract chickenpox. Parent Sara McKenzie, whose son Wesley became till despite him having received the vaccine, told The Age: “I think everyone should get vaccinated because it’s a matter of public health and community safety. You don’t just vaccinate for your kids, you have to consider the whole community.”

“No matter how angry you get, what are they going to do?” she added. “You can’t make people vaccinate their children.”